Monday, August 2, 2010

I don't miss you, diet coke.

Most of us never really want to admit that our diets are in drastic need of change. In fact, I had just accepted that it was normal for me to hit a Wendy's on the way home, grab a #6 with a spicy chicken sandwich, an order of fries, and a large diet coke. We've all heard the running joke of people who eat poorly and try to rationalize that it's alright due to our beverages being diet. I was that cliche. One thing that I never really took into consideration is that when I make my diet coke large, they automatically make my order of fries large. This in turn makes my belly large. In my last entry, I focused a lot on beginning CrossFit but now I want to focus more on diet. No one ever really wants to hear that in order for a program to be successful that you are going to have to diet AND exercise. It's usally one or the other. Unfortunately, that is why so many of us have failed. CrossFit teaches you the benefits of eating nutritionally and how it encourages your body to be stronger.

Most CrossFit groups encourage The Zone or Paleo. Personally, Paleo was the right route to go. I do not like counting calories, blocks, or points. I really just want it to be a lifestyle change that becomes so common that I don't obsess about what I'm putting into it for fuel. Paleo is simple. Lean meats, vegetables, moderate fruit, and various nuts. I eat as much as I want until my body tells me I'm full. That's the catch. My body is actually adapting to it so much that I am no longer overeating at every meal. I feel energized the entire day and my sweet tooth is pretty much gone. Granted, I've never had to give up heroine or cocaine, but I imagine giving up diet coke isn't much different. I felt as if I had been hit by an army tank for the first 48 hours. Everyone I looked at resembled a 32oz bottle of deliciousness. For me, it was the right decision to make. Drinking a diet coke makes me want to eat a cookie. Drinking water makes me want to eat a slice of turkey. It's that simple.

In summation of all the rambling that has taken place above this paragraph, I'm already seeing changes in my energy level, my skin, and how well I rest at night. Today, I was able to push myself at CrossFit and walk away proud of myself. I rowed 1400M, accomplished weight sets that included squats, back squats, overhead presses, rowing pull-ups, dead lifts, and an ab routine. Right when I thought my body could not do any more, Heidi was right there telling me I could. There is no way I will quit this.

I'm going to end this by throwing down the gauntlet for both my siblings. Give up diet coke. Don't let your kid sister one-up you.


  1. Nice gauntlet throwing Tristles...I didn't know you guys had CrossFit in Amarillo??

  2. We do! You can come with me when you come to town and see what it's about. You'd freaking love it.
