Thursday, August 19, 2010

No, I haven't quit.

I haven't posted in awhile because things have been pretty busy for me. I wanted to take some time this evening just to update those of you who are reading this. Everything is still going swimmingly for me in the CrossFit program. I have identified how to push through, endure, and embrace the pain that comes along with this program. I'm always sore but it's because I'm always trying to push myself to the next level. Right now, I am only going to CrossFit three times a week and I am seeing amazing results. I've lost several inches around my waist and hips. I don't weigh very often but I weighed this morning and I've lost about 11 lbs since I started changing my lifestyle. I know that CrossFit is a remarkable program but I wouldn't be seeing the results I'm seeing if it weren't for the fact that I'm eating clean. I've given up many of the things that most of us can't seem to live with out (dairy, wheat, sugars, and even alcohol). It's amazing what your body will naturally do when you've flushed all the toxins out of your system by changing what you are putting into it. For the first time in years, I go to bed without taking an inhaler for asthma. My skin has completely cleared up. My nails and hair are becoming stronger. I was a skeptic before I tried it, too. However, now I'm a believer and I can't imagine ever going back. My next goal is to conquer the pull-up and hand stand. Once I'm rope climbing like a champion, I'll know I've made some major progress. Once again, I extend the same invitation. Anyone who would like to go work out with me and try CrossFit to see if it's for you, give me a call. I'd be glad to go up there with you. The first work out is free. You have to be in the right mind set to do it. With a defeated mind, you have a defeated body. With a strong mind, you have a strong body. They say that out of every 10 people who check out a CrossFit Box, only two come back. That's how you know that you've put yourself ahead of the pack. You're trying something that a lot of other people are scared to do.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Today Hurts.

I remember when I was in Kids Inc. basketball, I would carry around a water bottle that had the phrase "NO PAIN, NO GAIN!" written on it. I remember thinking that water bottle automatically made me an athlete. With that being said, the truth is that I never felt anything close to what was written on that bottle. I've been sore from a work out before but nothing like this. This is the kind of sore that you feel right when you wake up in the morning. It's the kind of sore that makes it almost impossible to get in and out of your vehicle. Going up a flight of stairs can seem more than challenging. The point of this blog would be useless if I never wrote about the challenges of CrossFit. It's tough. It's hard. It can and will be painful. It's why I keep going back.

Yesterday, I was able to push through the pain I felt during my first rep of back squats. I was proud of myself for pushing myself through the rest of my work out. Normally, that would have been enough for me to quit. Somewhere in the past two weeks, quitting has become a non-existent option. Yesterday was tough on me. Our warm-ups are close to most peoples actual work out. Our warm-up alone consisted of a 400M row, 16 box jumps, 10 ring dips, 16 shoulder dislocators, and squats. Anyone who gets the opportunity to ever see me do a box jump will have a good laugh. However, I do them. During the actual work-out, I had to do a series of work outs that included eight sets 30 second intervals and 10 seconds of rest in between them. This included planks, tabata rope, weighted steps, and inverted sit-ups. I reached a point where I was going to pass out or vomit but I was determined to finish. I had to take a small breather but nonetheless, I accomplished what I wanted. I wanted to finish and I did.

I spend countless hours a week talking to my fellow crossfitter, Erin Brown, about our work-outs, diets and progress. She once told me that if I didn't feel that challenge in my body after every work-out then I'm doing something wrong. She's right. It's suppose to challenge you that much. It's part of the reward. It amplifies how proud you are of your progress. You leave knowing that you pushed your body to the max. If that isn't rewarding then I don't know what is.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Yes, it is for you. No, really, it is.

I have been receiving a lot of questions from my friends and family concerning the whole idea of CrossFit. I can understand every one's apprehension, believe me. I had the same feeling before I joined. I spent countless hours researching it, watching videos on youtube, and reading various success stories on the world wide web. It's important that you execute each of the aforementioned steps. I feel, personally, that the deal sealer was reading about success stories from people all across the nation. There is not a "typical" crossfitter. They range from all shapes and sizes and each vary in fitness levels. There are some extreme athletes and some people who have the upper body strength of a toddler, much like myself. There are those who can run a 4 minute mile and those who can't complete a 1/2 mile. I'd be lying if I said there aren't moments where I feel like a complete idiot but really, who cares? I will take feeling outside of my element for an hour and walking away completely drenched in sweat, feeling like I've accomplished something substantial over riding a stationary bike for an hour any day. I never feel like I lose my pride when I step inside the CrossFit gym. It's quite the opposite. I leave every day feeling like I have more self worth than I did when I first woke up. I feel proud of myself.

Heidi and the CrossFit team do an excellent job of answering questions on their website. Here's a link for all the Q&As you may have Also, their email addresses are listed and trust me, they will respond. They are excellent at communicating effectively. There have been times where Heidi has called or emailed me just to remind me something or to give me a few extra tips. They are serious about what they do. Heidi and Ryan both make it effortless to believe in your potential. There are times where I accomplish something and I can tell that Heidi is genuinely just as proud of me and and just as excited for me as I am. She is in love with what she does. Heidi enjoys taking part in changing people's lives and she excels at it.

I've already noticed changes in my body and my energy levels. Today, my work-out was intense but after it was over, I was ready to do more. Ryan and Heidi were both there pushing me the whole way. I left red-faced, winded, and drenched in perspiration. Don't pretend like that isn't an appealing visual. You'd just be lying to yourself and to me. Nobody likes a liar.

Monday, August 2, 2010

I don't miss you, diet coke.

Most of us never really want to admit that our diets are in drastic need of change. In fact, I had just accepted that it was normal for me to hit a Wendy's on the way home, grab a #6 with a spicy chicken sandwich, an order of fries, and a large diet coke. We've all heard the running joke of people who eat poorly and try to rationalize that it's alright due to our beverages being diet. I was that cliche. One thing that I never really took into consideration is that when I make my diet coke large, they automatically make my order of fries large. This in turn makes my belly large. In my last entry, I focused a lot on beginning CrossFit but now I want to focus more on diet. No one ever really wants to hear that in order for a program to be successful that you are going to have to diet AND exercise. It's usally one or the other. Unfortunately, that is why so many of us have failed. CrossFit teaches you the benefits of eating nutritionally and how it encourages your body to be stronger.

Most CrossFit groups encourage The Zone or Paleo. Personally, Paleo was the right route to go. I do not like counting calories, blocks, or points. I really just want it to be a lifestyle change that becomes so common that I don't obsess about what I'm putting into it for fuel. Paleo is simple. Lean meats, vegetables, moderate fruit, and various nuts. I eat as much as I want until my body tells me I'm full. That's the catch. My body is actually adapting to it so much that I am no longer overeating at every meal. I feel energized the entire day and my sweet tooth is pretty much gone. Granted, I've never had to give up heroine or cocaine, but I imagine giving up diet coke isn't much different. I felt as if I had been hit by an army tank for the first 48 hours. Everyone I looked at resembled a 32oz bottle of deliciousness. For me, it was the right decision to make. Drinking a diet coke makes me want to eat a cookie. Drinking water makes me want to eat a slice of turkey. It's that simple.

In summation of all the rambling that has taken place above this paragraph, I'm already seeing changes in my energy level, my skin, and how well I rest at night. Today, I was able to push myself at CrossFit and walk away proud of myself. I rowed 1400M, accomplished weight sets that included squats, back squats, overhead presses, rowing pull-ups, dead lifts, and an ab routine. Right when I thought my body could not do any more, Heidi was right there telling me I could. There is no way I will quit this.

I'm going to end this by throwing down the gauntlet for both my siblings. Give up diet coke. Don't let your kid sister one-up you.

Friday, July 30, 2010

The 3 A's: Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Ambition

Today, I had the harsh realization that I am, indeed, not even close to being "in shape." It's almost to the point where I believe that if you put me against Rosie O'Donnell in a foot race, I would come in second. However, with that being said, that isn't going to stop me. Sure, I can go run a mile, ride a bike for an hour at a gym, and even do excessive amounts of sit-ups but that did not come anywhere close to the fitness beast that is CrossFit. Pulling up to their facilities today was one of the most intimidating moments of my life. It almost felt like I was entering a secret society without the proper cloak and handshake. I had done a sufficient amount of research, forced Danica Bethel, Erin Brown and Kelley White into extensive conversations, and conjured up every reason imaginable that CrossFit wasn't for me. Fortunately, the answer was always that I did not have an excuse. The only thing standing in my way was myself. After giving myself quite a pep talk and calling myself a "sissy" for fifteen minutes, I finally decided that I wasn't going to let insecurity or intimidation keep me from taking the first steps.

Let me state for the record that whatever pre-conceived ideas that you may have about CrossFit being any kind of environment other than encouraging and supportive are based on a complete fallacy. This is something that the three people listed in the first paragraph pounded in my brain. I can't say that I have ever seen a group of people come together and want you to reach your goals as much as this team. Everyone was extremely welcoming, friendly and accepting. In the grand scheme of things, they have all been me. They have been the girl or guy that has set in their car feeling nothing but nervous and intimidated. Then I met Heidi. Heidi is one of the owners of Crossfit Amarillo. She has a knack for making you instantly feel comfortable in that environment. Everything I did, she was right there cheering me on and teaching me along the way. After my work-out, and I use the term "work-out" loosely because I nearly passed out and threw up before I finished, she took another 30 minutes to discuss proper nutrition on the Paleo diet and my fitness goals. They make it impossible to not want to go back. Today, I ran with a tire weighted down by 20 lbs attached to my waist. That's something I can honestly say I've never done.

This all leads me to the title of this blog: "The 3 A's: Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Ambition". Without these three very important ingredients, it's impossible to achieve your desired fitness goals. The breakdown is basically this:

1. I acknowledge that I am not satisfied with my current physical fitness levels, weight, or appearance.
2. I accept that there is not a "miracle solution" and that I will have to push myself to extremes that are not familiar.
3. I have the ambition to make a difference in my life regardless of time, energy, and insecurities.

Most people say that 20 lbs isn't a lot of weight to lose, but it is. It's 20 extra pounds that I should not be carrying. I'm not doing this for vanity purposes. I'm doing it to be the best version of myself. I'm doing it to be healthy, challenged, and proud of myself. There is no way that I am stopping now. One, because I've made it a public declaration and I'm too proud to fail and two, because I refuse to be the only factor that holds me back.

I encourage each of you that are remotely interested in this to talk with people who are currently taking part in a CrossFit program and Paleo diet. Every one of them will say that it has changed their lives. I am fortunate to have such great friends taking place in the same program that support me and encourage me along the way.

Watch out, Rosie...I'm zoning in on first place.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

We have all been there in one form or another. That moment where we wake up, look in the mirror and realize that our youth is slipping away from us. Some of us aren't where we want to be in our careers, education or personal lives. Personally, I've always been one to march to the beat of my own drum. In fact, I can say with a lot of confidence, each Giddens' kid had their own drum. I find it ironic that I have chosen this idiom for the purpose of illustration because anyone who knows me understands that I do not have any inclination of rhythm. This is true in all the areas of my life that are listed above. Today, I woke up, found myself breathing down the neck of year 28, and in need of personal goals. Without a plan to continuously grow and challenge ourselves, we become idle. We become complacent. In the past year of my life, I have been handed more obstacles than I could have ever imagined overcoming. With a new career and a new life chapter in the horizon, it was time for me to set new goals and new ambitions for myself. There are three areas of my life that I can control; environment, ambition and fitness levels. I feel as if the first two areas of my life are a work in progress, however, the third area is a state that I choose to regain.

Today, under the direction of two of my friends and much research, I decided to begin a program that will help me achieve my fitness needs. Don't get me wrong, it's going to be difficult and challenging. This is exactly what I want. I want to work very hard for something that will give me optimal results in my life. I want to feel physically challenged, encouraged and fit. I'm mentally tough enough to do anything and I look forward to utilizing it to push myself where I can do things that have been seemingly unattainable for the vast majority of my life. I started the Paleo diet along with the CrossFit program. It will be beyond challenging but I know that I'm at a place where I want this more than I want convenience. For those of you who choose to follow me on this venture, I will keep my journey documented. My goal is to shed 20 lbs and reach my maximum physical abilities.

Here's to a new beginning....